Committee of Political Action

The West Valley NAACP Political Action Committee seeks to increase registration and voting, works for the enactment of municipal, state and federal legislation designed to improve the educational, political and economic status of minority groups, seeks the repeal of racially discriminatory legislation, works to improve the administration of justice, and works to secure equal enforcement of the law. We work to keep the National Office and the West Valley NAACP informed on proposed legislation which affects minority groups. The Political Action Committee is nonpartisan and DOES NOT endorse candidates for public office.

  • BE BALLOT READY. Here is the link to register to vote in Maricopa County or to check the status of your existing registration.

  • WHAT VOTING DISTRICT ARE YOU IN? If you don’t know who represents you in the state legislature or in the US Congress, use this link to find out your Congressional and Legislative districts and precinct information.

  • VOLUNTEER TO HELP WITH VOTER REGISTRATION. You’re always welcome to help us get more people registered to vote. We spend time in the community getting the word out and getting people registered. Check this space for voter registration opportunities.

  • RESTORE YOUR CIVIL RIGHT TO VOTE! There is free one-on-one help available to adult and juvenile ex-offenders in Maricopa County who wish to restore their civil rights and have their cases set aside to remove barriers to employment and voting.

  • HELP CANDIDATES GET ENOUGH SIGNATURES TO APPEAR ON THE BALLOT. Here is the link which describes the E-Qual Petition process and how to sign a candidate’s E-Qual Petition on the Secretary of State’s website or you can go directly to the E-Qual form.

  • IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN JOINING THE POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE, please email us with your contact information. The committee meets on the second Saturday of most months and would welcome you to the struggle!

  • CIVIC ENGAGEMENT BEYOND VOTING (CEBV) is a grassroots nonpartisan organization that works to empower Arizona’s citizens to exercise their voices at the local level. They formed just after the 2016 federal election that inspired so many to action, and coalesced around using the Request to Speak (RTS) system as a tool for political activism. They offer trainings, speaker series, ballot guides, calls to action, and more, all focused on helping people make their voices heard on the issues that matter to them. Here is a link to the CEBV website.